#TBT to the start of my prep- 16 week difference!!! I had NO idea what to expect taking a step into this world of competing. It's truly been a mental process just as much as it's been a physical process. I've grown and developed inside and out! Although, just like anything else in life it's a constant work IN PROGRESS. I've decided there IS only one way to go and that's to PROGRESS, or to move forward! I've spent plenty of time in the past just giving in and settling! Moving backwards or just standing still, not progressing. It takes me back to a place in my life where I wanted to believe in myself, but lacked the confidence and will power to do so! I once allowed the voices of too many mold and shape my thoughts. I wanted to settle to make others happy and lost any sense of what would really make ME happy. This is not living a life with purpose!! An even greater lesson along the way has been taking a step into the unknown!! Learning to LET GO and TRUST...this is still a work in progress!! Each day I let a little more go (knowing no matter what, everything WILL work out). I'm PROUD of the person I've grown into and allowed myself to become, because I've had to work for it! Even though I've lost people along the way... I've truly learned that others do NOT hold the key to my destiny; nor do they define me as a person!!! My next lesson will be finding a balance between life and competing. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but I also refuse to let go of what I've worked so hard for!! Each day I will choose to progress! To challenge, trust, fight for what I believe in; moving in one direction and that's forward into growth! Insta: stacyk08