My journey
As a personal trainer and fitness instructor I get the blessing everyday of watching people transform through their fitness journey. Also, as a trainer my clients and students seem to "think" I've always had my **** together and that this had been an easy journey for me.. FAR from it! Yes, I was always very athletic growing, but into my adulthood that didn't carry much weight for me. The first picture (left) is from the beginning of college when ALL I could think about was being skinny and staying as low as I could on the scale. Middle picture is the summer before I got married, (2 year difference between the first 2 photos). The middle photo I had developed every unhealthy habit known to man in college and completely put my health and fitness on the back burner. I had myself convinced I didn't "look" that bad.. However, internally I felt like crap and wanted to secretly throat chop any pretty, fit girl.. Because apparently I thought this would make me feel better? Last picture is me as of date. This journey for me has been over 10+ years WTF! YEARS filled with jealousy, insecurities and the attitude of I'll just settle. It wasn't until after my second daughter that I decided **** had to change! I was my problem, I was everything that was holding me back. The journey to becoming where I am today has been AMAZING. Through finding my fitness I have found myself. I LOVE myself and I LOVE pushing people to be there best! This journey to building a stronger outside appearance had built an even bigger internal brick **** house! I challenge you guys to do the same! Transform yourself inside and out! You will not regret it!