Strong IS beautiful
Women often tell me they don't want to be muscular or look like me.... (A) That's great, because I don't want to look like you. (B) They most likely will never look like me. This didn't happen over night and it most definitely didn't happen from restricting calories and throwing around 5lb dumbbells. I chose this lifestyle. I chose this for myself and I chose it to show my daughters that being a women is more than a scale weight or pant size. I want them to choose what makes them happy, not what makes others happy. CHOOSE what makes YOU happy!! I've chosen to look bada$$ (sorry NOT sorry). I've chosen to look strong just incase some jackwagon tried to mess with my daughters or I... They might set themselves up for an as$-handing! Blessed to be me and not you! Blessed to have a husband that thinks strong IS sexy!