Bust Butt
Yesterday I was really hard on myself. (But we all have moments like that, don't we? ) I started beating myself over the fact that I've been lifting for over two years now but my body, often times, refuses to change & when it changes, it's devastatingly slow. I started wondering, what's the point? What's the point in constantly busting my butt? Is it even worth it? But in times like these, I have to stop and remember why I started. Why did I want to get stronger? For me, it was because of meeting a couple guys who thought they could push around and hurt women & get away with it. It was because I was tired of feeling weak & powerless. It was because I was sick of dealing with low self esteem. Weightlifting was & is my outlet. Kicking my own butt six times a week keeps me sane. It has taught me that 80% of every battle is mental, and if you can get your head in the game then you're already more than halfway there to winning it. So, I got my head in the game & wouldn't ya know? Busted out a PR of 165lbs on straight-legged deadlifts... 30 pounds heavier than my previous best. Moral of the story: Shut out the negative thoughts. Get your head in the game. Bust butt & you'll achieve great things. ...#SomeoneCleanDatMirror #peekaboo #ImRonBurgandy?