numerical affirmations
Sometimes we are to busy looking for numerical affirmation aka: numbers on a scale, that we forget to assess our hard work, discipline and effort with how we're feeling. 1. Are my clothes fitting differently? ....and I use differently rather than better because 'not fitting' is also winning when the objective is to build beautiful muscle. 2. How's my energy? Do I spring out of bed excited to take on the day? Do I no longer need to skip out of the office for a mid day afternoon snooze? Do I no longer dread the 'second shift' most of us working moms have to switch into when we get home? 3. Do I sleep better...longer...sounder? 4. How's my skin? I glowing? 5. When I look in the mirror... What. Do. I. See? So before you begin belittling your program, trainer...YOURSELF because you felt like you should have 'seen' more change according to the 100% you gave Each and Everyday......take a moment to open your eyes a little wider to everything else that's happening in, on and around you. Ps. I weigh exactly the same in both pics but obvious changes are happening!! Jill