Ahhhh the weekend OKAAAAAY BUT Who is going to prepare for a SUCCESSFUL week ahead??? Here are some of my tips: FIRST, get cooking!!!! Make a few serving of protein (chicken, beef, etc.), carbs (rice, quinoa, etc.), and veggies (broccoli, asparagus, etc.) to have in your fridge! That way when you need a meal in the next couple days you can just open your fridge and serve up your plate! Just like your own buffet !!! SECOND, schedule your workouts!!! Get your planner out and write down where, when, and what you are going to do for your workouts! (Example: gym, 7:00am, legs OR home, 8:00pm, full body circuit), FINALLY, write some goals down that you want to (and will) achieve this week. Some ideas: make every workout, no junk food, drink more water, take vitamins, NO NEGATIVE self talk, etc. BE DETERMINED, BE DISCIPLINED, AND BE DEDICATED!!!! You got this!