I have always been muscular do to gymnastics, cheering and also do to my body structure . My parents used to tease and say I came out like a solid rock. I was made fun of for being so during high school. So after I injured my back during a cheer competition and stopped all sports, I dove into my other passion,acting. But as a I went to college and performed, pressure to be "thin" crept into my life.You know a young girls stupidity. I just ran, did Pilates and ate very little. Even though I lost some weight I didn't lose the broadness of my structure and I wasn't healthy. I became very anemic. I had to come to the realization I would never be a "stick" that its just not my body type. I'm athletic and muscular . I then realized, who cares if I look like I could kick the crap out of men. That is sexy and I'm going to work hard and not fight against my body. I will embrace it and make it healthier and stronger. So I got into health and fitness to show people that skinny doesn't equal pretty. Their needs to be more women with actual muscles spot lighted . It's time to change the view point that "sticks" are the only sexy.
If you are doing it right , it's a fun and an exciting challenge. A girl like me, likes a challenge.