Working out, being fit and healthy has always been a part of my life. It has, also, been one of my biggest struggles as I have fluctuated over the years. In 2008, I lost the love of my life, my daughter's father. Fitness instantly took a back seat while we were grieving. My priorities were instantly rearranged. I focused on my career as well as my daughter. Over the next few years, I gained weight and in January of 2013 I weighed in at 199 lbs. With my positive attitude and my passion for life, I realized that I needed the outside to reflect my inside. So, I joined Planet Fitness and my journey began. Within the first few months, I began to see results and soon lost 20 lbs.
In November of 2013, I ran into an old friend whom would become a great motivator and personal trainer. I began adding in weight training and the results I began to observe were amazing! I was, also, introduced to and began following the workout plans on my own. Six months later I was able to actually SEE the results of my hard work. I finally had muscle definition and a new outlook. I was definitely ready for summer and bikini season. I felt great.
Between the summer festivities and my daughter receiving news of several health issues, my fitness journey took another seat in the back. For the last few months of 2014, my life has consisted of two jobs, medical appointments, my daughter, mentoring my daughter as she home schools and just trying to breathe.
Which leads me to why I love bodybuilding and working out . . . . . .
Bodybuilding and working out brings out the best in me. It is the fuel that keeps my emotional, physical, and spiritual tank filled. It keeps me balanced and motivates every inch of me. The ability to see how my hard work, effort, desire and discipline pays off is an amazing feeling. I know I have a lot on my plate as a mother and a supervisor, however, I know that in order to take care of these duties I have got to take care of myself. So, as of December 29th, 2014 my health and fitness are now driving rather than occupying the back seat!