After losing a little over half of the freshman 50, not 15, that I gained my first year of college, I decided to do something. I started eating a bit healthier, cooking for myself, more vegetables, etc. I lost 30 lbs and plateaued at 185. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I worked, I could not get past the size 12 and 185 for longer than a couple of weeks. In high school, I ran, did abs, was overall very fit. I really want to get back to that, maybe even be better than my 165, size 10 self. I can do it with dieting and the right workouts, so I decided to try bodybuilding. I want to lean out, and cut my body fat down to a healthier amount.
I love that I feel sexy after working out. It doesn't matter what I do, I feel great about how I look and feel. When I work out, my curves show their true colors and I can't get over the rush I get. I just need an inspiration to keep it up!! Looking forward to bodybuilding and possibly even competing. I have a lot to learn and a lot do to get there, I just need the consistent push! Bodyspace is going to keep me accountable for the choices that I make.