I would 1st like to say that I've begun battling weight loss since I gave birth to my 2nd child 15 years ago. Before my son, I was big into staying fit. When my son was born he was suffering from asthma and other allergies that kelp him crying all of the time. I was soon diagnosed with insomnia (staying up all night to make sure he was ok). I also found myself immobile, too tired to doing anything; much less cook a decent meal to eat. My eating was little to none, I soon found myself packing on the pounds. I am still not considered a big eater and I may even average around 600 to 750 calories daily. I also do not have the energy to workout. This appears to be my cycle of choice little sleep, little movement, and little sleep. I understand that this has been a self-defeating behavior that needs to be stopped. So that is is why I am here, for support.