I have been working out since I was in high school. I was on and off. I was a very skinny guy that was in need of gaining weight and have littles muscles. I would wear xtra large clothing to appear to be big. All the years that I have been working out never got anywhere. I never got the results I wanted. I did learn about weight training through magazines and people at the gym. I can actually say that I was not going the right route to accomplish any fitness goals. I became familiar with supplements because I red magazines or questions that I work ask at a vitamin store. So , I just kept working out and hoping to achieve some fitness goals. Years down the road I became more interested in weight training , how to built muscle , loose fat and become strong. I can honestly say that I have finally found myself within fitness to accomplish my goals.
On October 19, 2014 I started a six weeks challenge to loose fat. I was 199. 2 with 26% body fat. At the six weeks I weighted 181 and 15% body fat. I was amazed to see the results I obtained through the whole six weeks process. My family and friends couldn't belive either. I was happy to say the I found the tools necessary and knowledge through body building. Com . I love working now and helping others because I considered body building an art to built and shape the human body to a level that not many people cant do. i am well aware that dedication, discipline and commitment are an important tools to accomplish any fitness goal. I am contracted by the government and my job requires to keep myself in shape . The job sometimes requires lots of strength , endurance and speed. Body building will always be part of me to be in shape and to help others.