I got started in lifting weights when I was about 15 years old. I wrestled and played football in school and it was kind of a mandatory thing. I enjoyed it and got into great shape. After highschool I started working and partying and really didn't care that much about it. I got kinda fat gained about 30 lbs in 2 years but I didn't care I was making great money and had plenty of honey's!!
I got back into working out when I got into trouble and had to do some time. After sitting around for a couple months I needed something to pass the time so I started working out. At first I just wanted to lose weight but after about 3 months I started seeing some pretty good results and had gotten back down to my wrestling weight of 160. After getting cut up I decided well sh** I wanna get BIG like these other mfer's in here so I started going hard and putting on some pretty good looking muscles as well as developing some that I didn't even know existed!! So, when I got out on April 13th 2010 all my friends and family couldn't believe how good I looked and I never let it go. Now, I am addicted my goal is to get up to a solid 250 ..... then keep going!!!! I am a chef now but really focus on nutrition, healthy eating, and REAL FOOD no processed garbage and very minimal sweets.
I love Body Building because it just makes me feel amazing pushing heavier weights or more reps every single week. The blow that I get when I workout is better than sex and drugs .... even when doing them together!!!
Looking in the mirror and being able to see every muscle in my body I don't know who likes it more though me or the women!! I love working out and feeling lightheaded and dizzy after pushing myself even harder than the week before. And, the results, along with a great diet, are amazing. I just want to get to that next level and show it off on stage.