I've been interested in Bodybuilding since the age of about 18, having always considered myself a strong and physical person however, have been on a roller coaster of weight gain/loss since then. Now I'm 34 and would like to actually see the person i am in my head in the mirror too. I started this weight loss journey at 191 lbs on 2nd Feb 2013 when I set my goal as getting to 130 lbs in weight. As I've added to and refreshed my knowledge of body composition and fitness etc I've defined that goal some more but so far only in my head. I'd like to have a Body Fat % somewhere between 17% to 22% - I'm not sure what will suit me best until I've ditched the masses of excess fat I currently have, so 130lbs is still my No.1 goal.
I'd also like to increase my Lean Body Mass a little too, meaning rounder Deltoids, a flatter upper-back required stronger Rhomboids to hold the shoulder blades down better, I might want to increase my Quad size to put my hips in proportion and develop my Glutes to make sure I have a lifted, shapely, cute butt. I feel that everything else will fall into place as I loose the fat (back rolls, belly fat, double chin, bingo wing arms, knee fat, ridiculously fatty hips).
I have almond milk oatmeal at berries for breakfast, celery and peanut butter for a snack, lettuce tomato mushroom and egg for lunch, greek yogurt seeds and sultanas pre-WO, almond milk protein shake post-WO, protein and veg for dinner (try to rotate fish chicken beef pork scampi veggie lamb) and I do minimum 30 mins cardio 6 times a week like MetCon / bodyweight WO's or Zuzka/Aerobics dvds/Running/Skipping and weights (i wish i did more weights sessions)... and i really enjoy logging it all online at MyFitnessPal or in notepads.