My friend I met in college this year started bringing me to the gym in November of 2011, and has been a huge inspiration because he has lost almost 100 lbs since starting to lose weight in high school. Now, 3 years later, he is my determination, confidence, and right hand man as we tackle Kris Gethin's 12 week transformation program. I have never been so involved with my health and love to pump iron and sweat. This is a life changing program and time for me, and I've never felt so confident with the way I look. I am getting stronger everyday, and shedding pounds weekly. I grew tired of being pushed around and hiding behind big clothes and a nonchalant ego towards my physical appearance. I look and feel great, and am excited to continue a life of health and strength.
It boosts my confidence like so many others, and makes me feel productive. Dieting is tough, but feeling like I'm doing my health and body a favor is like taking a step in a whole new direction. Pushing my body to limits I never knew I could reach.