I got started at 9 yrs old doing yoga for my back then dance. At 16 I started working at a "womans only" gym and I was being trained to teach a n Arerobics Class and how to use the equipment. I got hooked on the Weights right off the bat. I would work at a the girly gym but work out at the Bodybuilders gym. I have always felt at home and not intimidated by how big or strong anyone else was at the gym. I always loved the mutual respect everyone had if you had great form and didnt waist time. I have had set backs but have been able to get back to it. I have been in amazing shape and not until just recently not so good shape. Turning 40 and sending my 1st born to college put me in a terrible funk, so I gained weight and didnt care untill I couldnt fit in my jeans!! So I had a pitty party and now I'm over it! I'm back at the gym feeling like a million bucks!