I am here to transform my body and to finally become the person I have dreamed of becoming. I used to be really fit and in shape. I then started taking anti-depressant medications. Due to taking that medication I have gained 70 pounds. On top of that I have been diagnosed with IGG deficiency. This is where my body does not make memory antibodies. Because of this I get sick OFTEN. It has also been a roadblock to me attaining my goals. Usually as soon as I hit my stride with my diet and workouts I get very ill. This derails everything, and causes, at times a 2-3 month setback. I am no longer myself. I no longer have the hope that things will get better, and that my life will be what I have always hoped it would be. I want to transform my life and get into the best shape I have ever been in even while I continue to take the all of these medications that caused me to gain all this weight. Myself, as well as others who are in this situation need to have a drastic example of hope, that you can get into whatever shape you desire even if you must take medications that causes weight gain as a side effect. I am here to show no matter what situation you are in, what life throws at you, you have the power to decide your destiny.
As a side note, there are 61.5 Million Americans with Mental Illness in America alone, according to NAMI, (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and a study showed that 25% of those taking these type of medications gain weight from them. Help me show them there is hope, there is a way to fight back and break the cycle.
This specific type of body transformation journey has never been done or documented. I know because I looked for something like this all over the internet that I could follow when I was at my heaviest and also my most hopeless for a healthy future. When I found no book or guide existed I decided to use my 2 certifications as a personal trainer and my Bachelor's degree in Athletic Training and create one myself!
Millions of people need this, we need to show hope to those who feel hopeless. This is an untapped population that desperately needs help and solutions, and I feel that my journey will show just that.
I love to workout because it is bringing me one more step closer to feeling confident about myself and finally being able to look myself in the mirror and not be disgusted and ashamed.
With being diagnosed with IGG deficiency, I have learned that you must eat perfectly clean, and exercise. If you do not, you will get sick, drastically sick. This is another motivator to me and my overall health and joy in life.