I have bodybuilding on and off from the time I remembered my father doing it when I was a teenager. I never really stayed committed to it and didn't take the time to get fully educated in it but always had a desire to pursue it. I was discouraged after I had kids and they gave me stretchmarks but now I am determined to look go no matter how my skin looks. I know that pregnancy was a part of life and these are my war wounds but I can still look sexy at my age. Being military, I have had to be physically active so I have been working out 5 days a week for almost 22 years. However, I just never got serious about transforming my body after having children. Now is the time and now I am serious.
I love bodybuilding because there are many things that people can say that they have passion, commitment, dedication and a love for but have no way of showing those things. Bodybuilding is the proof of those things. It tells people that I have taken something serious and produced something that gives me personal accomplishment.