TO be honest it all started in high school out of vanity. I was the chubby goofy looking kid that everyone liked to get a laugh out of every once in awhile. My school councellor convinced me to take two semesters of Physical Ed in my grade 12 year and I was hooked. At graduation time I weighed in at 128lbs and could bench press 150! Lost the drive after I turned 18, gained the freshman 15 and at 19 was blessed with a baby girl. Since then it has been a struggle to maintain motivation and drive, but I want that OMG body so bad. Now it's learning to combat my chocolate and carb cravings and staying on track!
THe way it makes me feel. I love the feeling after running a 10k, or swimming 60 laps in the pool, or forcing my muscles to lift more than they ever have! Every time I take a friend to the gym with me I tell them "You always have to do one more rep than last time, one more lap, one more Km." etc. Push yourself to do better, be better.