I never had to workout when I was younger and ate what I wanted. People always would say,"Girl, that'll catch up with you one day!" I always thought ot myself....WHATEVER! Haha, well 4 kids later they were right. After baby 3 I started curves for women and had awesome results. After a divorce and no time and a lil drinkin, it was harder to maintain my weight. I remarried and starting working out with my hussband. We didn't eat perfect 100% but I was in the bbest shape I've ever been ink which wasn't just awesome. Well, baby #4 came along and so did a sweet tooth and age. LOL. I started working nights and had horrible sleeping and eating habits and realized a year later that I WEIGHED MORE THAN I EVER HAD! I wanted a change and was living in yoga pants because nothing else fit comfortable. I knew basics of working out. My hubby was supportive, but does more body building, so he didn't know where to direct me other than cardio and the internet. I LUCKILY stumbled across Jamie Eason's 12 week program. I printed it all out and made a binder. I love to do list, even tho I'm far from organized. It's light a light switch went off. I get chills thinking about it. I started seeing immediate results. Well if that's not motivation to keep going, I don't know what is. I love the fact that her program has taken the thinking out of it for me. I'd done alot of the exercises before, I just had no direction on how many or what day. I am actually thinking about a long term goal of doing a competition. Something I NEVER thought I would even want to do. Eating clean has never been so easy. My 14 year old has started getting up with me at 4am to hit the gym. If I'm sleepy, he wakes me up and vice versa. Being a mom of 4(ages 14-3) and working full time I have to go early if I'm gonna go, plus it helps me make better choices all day. My husband is also with me every step of the way that he can be. He's having to work alot lately so it's nice to have my son involed. I have noticed a change in my whole life in general. I'm more productive and feel great in just 3 short weeks. I look forward to the next 60 days of this challenge. It's the beginning of a new everything for me and my family. I even catch myself day dreaming of eventually getting into personal training. I thrive to help others and have a huge heart. I want my before and afters, in time, to change other peoples lives just like all the great stories I see on here! Thank you Body Building.Com & all my friends on here for all the tools and support.