Cardio alone (exercise bike to be exact per the doc's recommendations after a running injury) wasn't nixing the weight he advised I lose with my family's medical history I have to look forward to + a previous diagnosis of PCOS. So I did some research and decided I had nothing to lose and began adding strength training to the mix.
Running since September 2012 + cross training/very little strength training since mid November 2012.
As of January 2012 (when doc told me to lose weight) -- 148 lbs.
Cut portions of food in March 2013, lost 7 lbs by April 2013 follow-up appt with doctor.
Primarily focused on weight training with some cardio since July 8, 2013.
As of September 15, 2013, 137.4 lbs. I know I've gained muscle and lost some fat just by how my clothes are fitting in the two months of strength training.
No idea of starting or current body fat %.