At 24(1995)I I used to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes and could care less about my health....then I lost my father at 60 years of age who was a diabetic and overweight and never took care of himself I loved him very much, however, he never had the chance to watch my three boys grow was a revelation to me that i did not want to die that young or sick....
I began rollerblading and lifting weights,I loved the feeling after a workout and never looked back since. I gave up smoking and drinking and also the biggest part is I made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life!!! It has been 18 years I have been working out and 3 years ago after having 3 boys i decided to get back into it again. I also went through the process of being a Sworn Police Officer with my regional Service, however,with my husbands shifts and three young boys it was not an option,in the mean time though ....I am currently a volunteer Police Officer(auxiliary) and love it very is filling that area of passion for me to serve and it suits my lifestyle....I also don't have to do all the paperwork..:)
I love the rush and the pain...the results of better always inspire me!! I love hard work and I want to be the best I can be no shortcuts...I do have a while t o get to my ultimate goal ,however,with this awesome site I should get there no problem....