I started religiously working out after graduating college. During my college years I put 50lbs on my already overweight body. I had never been very confident in my body but by the age of 22 I hadn't taken my shirt off in public for about 2 years. After playing sports all my life I found that my weight was affecting my athletic ability and even found myself often out of breath and experiencing heart palpations while exerting myself, at this point I become fed up. Right before new years 2008 I decided I had enough of being overweight and out of shape and began dieting. I started off with a diet that was sloppy at best but worked for me since i'd been living off the mcdonalds dollar menu for 4 years. As I got further along in my diet I began to educate myself better on healthy eating choices and began working out. I quickly become obsessed and have been lifting religiously ever since.