I first started working out and weightlifting about 10 years ago, in college. However, after an initial "weight loss" type project, I eventually fell into some really bad party-girl habits and I went through peaks and valleys with looking after myself, shall we say. Haha. In 2010 I finally grossed myself out enough to do something about it, and got back to working out, dropping about 40 or 50 pounds in spurts over the next two years.
However -- I really still only strength-trained half-heartedly, thinking distance running was the be-all, end-all answer to my weight control problems. Well, running half-marathons and such gives a great sense of achievement, but it also makes me HUNGRY as hell and let's just say I'm not naturally built like a fast distance runner. I re-discovered heavy lifting, fell back in love with it, and here I am -- because I pretty much have nobody in real life who gets my love of it.
So HI! :) New Body Space friends are always welcome!
Let's see -- I'm half Latin, half southern, so naturally I'm kinda built like a brick house... After many years of beating myself up for that, I've realized weightlifting is something I'm actually built for! Deadlifts, squats, noooo problem. I love seeing great changes in my fitness and body without torturing myself with hours of cardio. And, if the apocalypse comes, I'm totally confident I can pick up a body and sprint with it!