The "spark" that turned the gym from a chore into a lifestyle was Eric, a best friend trying to be supportive - helping me shrug off my disappointment of not living up to my best physique:
"don't worry buddy, there will always be ~something~...a bbq, a night out, a vacation, busy week of work".
From that moment I decided it was no longer okay to set physique goal priority second. In 2010 I was really going to see what would happen to my body if I tried: I started a profile on BodySpace and pre-ordered Kris Gethin's new book at that time, Body by Design.
Now 4 years later every friend expects my Coleman shoulder bag of 4 high-protein meals with a bottle of vodka and zero-calorie soda to come with me to every party. I'll one burger from their BBQ, then open up my tupper-ware. After year 2 nobody blinks an eye, makes a comment.
Each year at Xmas I edit my "WHY". Here goes for 2014:
The challenge, The pump, The exhaustion after 90mins of hard lifting, The familiar body stiffness that moves between workouts after giving 110%. If I'm not stiff, I've learned I'm not feeling body grow: limited back rotation, tight shoulders, exhausted from leg day. Four years have touch me to love how my body reacts to [1] certain foods, [2] lack of sleep, and lifting. It took two years to understand certain body parts grow faster and easier than others, and I love trying to overcome my naturally skinny body by playing with the balance.
An unexpected benefit of lifting has been deeper success financially, in my relationship, in my career: because I learned how to focus.
Consistency and tracking are actions peeled back layers of my life: goals are simply dreams without them. Pushing hard at the gym, and planning out my meals three days in advance, are not enough: 6hrs of sleep a night is not enough for my body. BodySpace taught me there is always something to change and learn. Someone to challenge or inspire me. It's now been 4years: Many of you have been at this for more than 10years. Some of you more than TWENTY! Kris Gethin, Craig Capurso, Steve Cook, Skinny Vinny, a huge THANK YOU: you have all added fuel to a fire inside me that started November 2010.
*Best purchase 2014: $170 mini-countertop Danby fridge which holds 16 meals in glass tupperware and 4snacks.
*Best supplement 2014: Tie between Swollen Pre-Workout and discovering Soy-Isolate Protein from bag-your-own Bulk Health Shop [combine this blender-only powder with Whey before bed, for slow digesting 1/2 price protein]
*Best excercise 2014: Drop sets, [four levels on set 3, no rest between]