After an operation to the left shoulder, the physiotherapist advised me to begin weightlifting as a means of preventing ANOTHER Dislocation. Since then my love for weights and all things heavy have greatly increased. Before that I have always enjoyed being outdoors, especially swimming; Swear by it but swimming is the most relaxing sport on the planet and it works every body part. Plus during the seven years of swimming, I got to travel to different places. Yet another reason why sports and fitness has always been number one on my to-do list.
For those happy feelings you get at the end of a workout. I did team and inter-country sports for half of my education career, so when I finally left that arena, I had to find something that could challenge me the same way my couches would ... well maybe not in the same way... I still wouldn't consider swimming 3k, running up a mountain and then another 5k as my warm-up anymore, but I do love plyo!... that is why I lift... and occassionally run up stairs :P