I started trying to bodybuild when I was about 16 years old. I was not very consistent with it but I had good genetics so never really had to try to much. I started because I was always described as the skinny guy or the slim guy from Laborie. I made up my mind really when I decided that I wanted to be a Police Officer. I started back in 2010 trained for about two months started seeing results. I got too full of my self and stopped training. Restarted training in 2012 but only due to the fact that I got into the Police Force and had to get into top shape for the training program in Barbados. During the 6 months training I put on some muscle and lost a lot of weight. I left the Training Centre and graduated "Best at Physical Training" course 136. I stopped training there after but was on and off again. I got married in 2014 and my wife and I started working on our family. In 2015 my daughter was born. By then I had stayed away from the Gym for about two (2) years. I decided in June of this year 2016 to start back the Gym. I paid for two months. I knew I could do two month straight I did it before right? I was in over my head my lifestyle and responsibilities had changed so much that in two months of a Gym membership were four days at the gym not very consistent. I went on Vacation with my family and got back home in November. I saw the pictures that we took and I compared the way I looked to some picture back in 2010 and I was like damn something needs to change. I then decided that if I am going to want to be happy with myself and my physic I have to be consistent at the gym. So far so good I weight 180LBS gained 5 LBS and I have 11% body fat. I have a lot of work to do to get to my goal but I love it so will do it.
I love bodybuilding because of a lot of things : 1) I love the Pump from it. 2) I love putting on weight. 3) I love the end results of my hard work in the gym. 4) I love how I'm Look at by others and my favorite Question they ask, "You workout at the Gym?" 5) I love how my body looks in my clothes I feel so much better after a good workout and go to the supermarket its great when everyone looks at you like you a freak of nature lol and I am still so tiny in my eyes I guess. 6) I love being stronger especially at work dealing with bad guys on the streets. 7) I love how based on my physic I influence others to want to workout and or have them ask me for advice on working out and foods. These and lot more reasons.