I was a high school and college athlete. I ran cross country and track, played volleyball and basketball while I was in high school. At college I was predominately a 400 meter hurdler but also ran on one and two mile relay teams respectfully. I also ran track overseas while I stationed in the United Kingdom.
I LoVe to workout because my body is my temple. This is a way of LiFe for me but my biggest challenge now is overcoming my overall wellness. I have some injuries slowing me down right now but I am in physical therapy, and I am limited in my use of weight bearing exercise.
I used to teach hard core cardio classes from contact and cardio kickboxing, military style boot camp classes to tabhata (sp) and intervel circuits classes. Now I just coach/instruct indoor cycling and boot camp classes.
I Love to be an example and model for others to become works of art. Moreover, I am "Work In Progress". And I will give my experience of my come back!