I began as a child playing soccer, softball and basketball and obtaining my red belt in Soo Bak Do; I then graduated to gymnastics and ballet where I was introduced to cheerleading. I was a competition cheerleader for Cheer Jamz All Stars out of Poughkeepsie, New York for 8 years. After my cheerleading career ended I just stuck to regular exercise at my local gym. In 2011 I began training Muay Thai in Wappinger Falls, New York and then moved with my gym to Naples, Florida where I also trained for 4 months. Upon moving back to New York I continued with Muay Thai and experimented with Cross-Fit. I love lifting weights and pushing my body to the max. That feeling you get when it burns so good.. I live for that.
I love working out because I love challenging myself and setting goals. Nothing feels as good as pushing your body to do exactly what you thought it couldn't do. More recently, I have been noticing major changes in my body; the results I am seeing are keeping me motivated and I am looking forward to seeing my body transform into a work of art!