I've always been a physically fit gym goer and interested in bodybuilding but never knew the path to take to achieve my goals. Last year, after suffering a broken wrist from a snowboarding accident, I used my injury to perpetuate my training. Pushing my limits to see just how far I could go. I would train in the gym regularly and saw several other female athletes training for bodybuilding, I would ay to myself, "I want to look like them one day!' And one day I realized there was nothing stopping me. I worked on healing my wrist injury ad building muscle. This year, with the encouragement of friends, I committed to entering my first bodybuilding competition.
First and foremost, I love bodybuilding because it's real, if you train hard and stick to the diet you get result. If you cheat it shows however if you are committed it shows. I love the endorphin high that results in a good training session, that feeling that you are on top of the world.