I was an emotional eater, a binge eater and a yoyo dieter for many years ballooning at one point to over 200lbs. I would binge, starve myself, over-exercise, then sit on a couch for months on end chomping on chips and pizza, so although I would frequent the gym, my memberships were short-lived and my enthusiasm erratic.I would start exercise classes, only to quit weeks later. So, although I started working out many years ago, it was only as part of an unhealthy cycle purely to do with weight loss, as I didn't even have an understand about 'fat loss' back then, or how my body worked. In reality, my enthusiasm for working out in a health conscious sense began six years ago when I started looking for answers. Although I had lost half my body weight and was delighted I was at a point in my life at which I could comfortably cross my legs, I was still 'skinny fat' (again, the phrase 'skinny fat' was alien to me, I just looked nice with clothes on, but was ashamed to be naked) and had no clue how to get the body I desired. I started searching for answers but it took me until,after the birth of my son in 2010 (after gaining 42lbs of fat) to realise I had to do something drastically different. I started running and doing bodyweight exercises and my body started to tone, I started to like my body. I was getting close to my ideal when... I fell pregnant again! Doh! This time I gained 28lbs and knew that I had to change my attitudes about diet and exercise. I needed to change my life. I started to train with weights and I am now starting to see the muscle , though, it still remains mostly hidden under a layer of unsightly fat. SO I am here... because things are going to CHANGE!
I love to workout with weights because I now feel so much stronger and more capable than I ever did before. Although I have a long way to go till I reach my transformation goals, I know that they will come with persistence, consistency, focus and HARD WORK! I love the after-glow of the workout, the sense of satisfaction that I have done my body good and I have given myself a gift. I used to hate it when my pizza delivery was late... I never thought I'd see the day when I would say I HATE to miss a workout!