My Dad bought me my first weightlifting set at 13, since I kept complaining about being the smallest kid in school. I didn't touch them until my senior year in high school and bulked up 20 pounds. I loved working out as I loved how people reacted to seeing the transformation over the summer. They didn't even recognize me. I stayed in pretty great shape until I got away from continually going to the gym. I ballooned to 210 from 175, and then decided to join the Marine Corps. I weighed in at MEPS at 188 and within 2 weeks of boot camp was a solid 165. Once I hit my SOI (School of Infantry), I hoved around 175 and kept that weight until I got home. With my new body I decided to pack on the muscle weight and within 2 years was 195 lbs. rock solid. However, partying, drinking and laziness crept back into my life as well as an injury to my knee. That combined with the birth of my first child I saw my weight skyrocket to 270 at my heaviest. As my leg got stronger I decided that I would no longer be a couch potato and would hit the gym again, however, I kept making excuses. Not anymore. With the help of this website, I'm going to force myself to change back into the person I know that I can be.
I love working out because of the feeling I get inside as the weight sheds and new muscles appear, and the looks that I got when I was in great shape. My body state has a direct correlation with my work ethic, and if I'm out of shape, I am being lazy. In the Marine Corps they say, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." That's my motto and I'm sticking to it. No more Fatty McFat Fat. Where's the real me?