As long as I can remember my father has always lifted weights. I remember him giving me paper towel rolls w/ coffee lids on the ends when I was a little guy so I could lift with him-ha. I am very blessed to have grown up around that and I have always enjoyed working out but I have never fully committed myself to it or anything matter of fact so NOW is the time!
I love working out because it is completely honest and it is truly the one thing we all can control for ourselves. We only have one body and so many of us act like it's just here to be abused including myself at times, but when we treat ourselves right our whole perception for life seems to follow. To know we can build and sculpt ourselves while creating great heath is an amazing thing. It's one thing in life that only positivity can come from it builds character, creates self-esteem, radiates hard work and self will. This is why I love the Iron.