I was tired of being bullied for my looks. I was tired of having no confidence. Makeup wasn't hiding my ever growing frame so I made a change.
My boyfriend and best friend was my inspiration. He would frequently go to the gym and ask me to come along. After months of crying in the car, hiding in the change room and only going to the womens section, I finally stepped out of my comfort zone. Weight training changed my life. I've met amazing like minded people. I have learned how to eat healthy and be accountable. I wouldn't change a thing.
Yes its hard at first, but everything that is hard is worth it in the end! You never hear anyone complain about finishing a solid workout :)
My new found confidence is thanks to bodybuilding. I have friends who help support my decisions and are always pushing me to do better!
I've learned how to eat healthy and that food tastes good!
I've gained a self of worth.
I've learned how to plan and make it easy so I stick to it!
I've met the most amazing people!
I cant wait to see where it goes :)