I first started back in 1996, when I was still at school, and being 1st team Rugby and Athletics, as well as playing provincial Rugby, I had to ensure I was fit and built....
I lost track of that, and started training speratically on and off due to various events happening, and finally beginning of January 2013, I made the decision that i needed changes in my life and that training and becoming healthier and improving my physic was going to be a priority, and now that I'm in to the routine I love it.
I also want to achieve my goals, not just for my own benefit but to inspire others as well and help motivate all, that anything is possible and achievable. Most important is I want to be a good role model for my son.
Since I've started training, properly, I'm finding myself being happier and healthier, not to mention feeling better about my way of life. Big plus is that I don't feel as depressed or stressed as I used to, and tend to have more energy.
I also love the fact that I am constantly competing with myself to push hard and better my physic.
I enjoy the time out from every other aspect of my life, and use the gym as my place of peace, to settle my head and recap my thoughts, thus making me a better individual.