I've always been an athlete. I played soccer up until the middle of high school and fastpitch softball from the time I was 8 until I graduated high school. Being in the military my athletic background has always helped out for PT tests and maintaining the "military figure".
On April 17th 2012, my life was changed when I gave birth to the most amazing little boy in the world. Now, as parents, especially us moms, we all know it is hard to maintain a job, gym time, and have time for our children.... In the time between giving birth and now I was unhappy with the leftover baby weight and the lack of motivation to do something about it. I deployed April of 2013 and am using every bit of time I have to rebuild my body and sculpt it the way I want it. I use every negative experience as fuel to motivate and keep me driven. Never make excuses, never let anyone's opinion of you change your opinion of yourself, never quit, and above all, LOVE YOURSELF.
Always strive to be better. I train to be in shape, keep my mind clear, be an inspiration to others... and because life is hard... and i want to be harder to kill :P