I wanted to gain mass, and have a six-pack in high school because girls where giving me more attention and guys where paying me compliments. It changed from a superficial desire into a downright obsession when I got to college and started training in the weight rooms and learning more about fitness and nutrition. Now that I am out of college this obsession has turned into a lifestyle, and I am motivated by my personal goals rather than the opinion of my peers. I may have started in order to look a certain way, but I work out now for the way it makes me feel. I feel accomplished and proud.
I like to challenge myself, not to be better than everyone else, but to be better than I used to be. I believe that progress is a lifelong process and that perfection is not a destination, but a journey. I am on the journey to perfect myself. I desire a strong mind, strong body, and strong soul. You must develop all three if you strive for balance and harmony. Challenging my body, in the pursuit of my ideals, is something that keeps me grounded. When I exercise my body, I exercise my demons. All my troubles and concerns are exhausted, and when there is nothing left, I find peace. Health and fitness are a celebration of life, and I celebrate life everyday, because it is an honor to be alive.