I had nothing else to do in Afghanistan and became addicted to the gym. Well, thats the hardcore bodybuilding start. I actually started around 12 years of age. I was chubby and wanted to lose weight. I started playing more sports( soccer, basketball, track, etc.) and lost a lot of weight. I continued to work out at home doing pushups, sit-ups and dips. When I joined high school a played at least one sport every season. After high school I joined the United States Marine Corps and we worked out a minimum of three times a week. It was within this organization that a spark for weightlifting was lit.
I enjoy being healthy,in shape, and having fun. Running, playing basketball, lifting weights and other physical activities are ways for me to escape the world. I'm not worrying about my job, what's going on with my family or anything else. I am just focusing on my physical and mental health.