Personal Info
How I Started
I'm not sure if I can pin point any one circumstance that was an overall Fitness turning point in my life. You know, the "light bulb"? After all, it is always will be a constant battle, I never see it not being a battle. If so Victory has been won and I have nothing more to fight for...I can say I was that tiny little kid that was bullied in Elementary school. I had friends but I was never the "Cool Girl". I was the awkward Tomboy that the boys liked as a friend and girls liked to hate. Things changed over the years as I was driven by athletics and wasn't socially awkward anymore. I guess you could say this is what started my fit lifestyle although, I knew nothing about fitness or health and still ate Taco Bell every day with the change out of my center console (back in the day when it was still cheap of course). I later ended up playing Collegiate sports where I was introduced to weights but even then I wouldn't say things clicked as far as an overall understanding of fitness and health. By this time Taco Bell was out but KFC was in along with the liquid Coors Light Diet, remember I'm a college student, don't hate, I was broke! Once I reached my athletic goals it was on to bigger and better things, military and deployments. Once again my fitness had to be carried on to the next level but I still had no concept of an overall healthy lifestyle. After this I probably hit an all time low in my life actually, I know I hit an all time low. I was depressed, making poor choices, struggling with a failed engagement and visiting the local bars every chance I got to destroy myself. I hated ME, I hated LIFE and I hurt good people along the way. By this time though I was this bubbly, smiling girl that seemed to be on top of the world, little did people know I was fighting many demons, as we all do. Finally, I decided to move. Again, this was a turning point in my life. I began to work on me, mending my heart, making things right and loving life. I got active again an began doing the things I loved and meeting amazing people along the way. Mountain biking, rock climbing, spelunking, and white water rafting on the weekends, just getting closer with nature and God. In return while doing some Soul searching I realized it was never lost, just suppressed and neglected. I still fought the occasional battle of God why me, God when will I have that etc...Finally, I think God got tired of hearing me complain and placed my wonderful husband in my life! Things were and are great! Then shortly, after turning 30 I had a scare with a lump in my breast and it was then I stopped just living but set out to reach new goals. At that point I decided that I would incorporate a healthier lifestyle and not only begin training more but eating clean as well. I not only accomplished my goals but I surpassed my goals. As all newlyweds do we began to hear "when are you going to have a baby"? Well, we were asking God the same thing as we had several disappointments and miscarriages. While those close to us would say "You're just too healthy put some meat on your bones" my thought process was I need to be the healthiest I have ever been and in God's perfect timing we were blessed with Jett. Now I live every day for him, I know the best way to have a happy, healthy, child is to be so myself. Now, every day, I lead by example! Jett is my motivation and gives LIFE to every second of the day. As I said before it is a constant battle everyday so don't give up, keep fighting and believe in yourself and your self worth!
Why I Love it
Working out is such a powerful catalyst for people. You can go anywhere and connect with those like minded individuals and have a friend for life after one conversation. You meet so many strong, determined people that have some of the most amazing sucess stories I have ever had the pleasure of hearing.