I first began to lift dumbells in 7th grade (stupid thing to start lifting weights so young, I know, but the advice I was getting sadly wasn't coming from the right person). Ever since then I continued to follow a series of bodybuilding blunders; there was a time when I'd do 40 minutes of moderate cardio and then I'd jump to lifting weights on every single body part except legs; like I said, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I had stuck with the traditional 3 meal a day plan, and while I was putting on muscle, I was nowhere near the physique I wanted to be at. So during the summer before my first year in college, I discovered bodybuilding.com and muscleandstrength.com, immediately falling in love with both. Bodybuilding.com gave me the proper training and nutrition advice in addition to a large mass of articles I had found, and love, from muscleandstrength.com. While I continued to train with my ego, letting my form be sloppy, and thinking I was the ****, I was in fact far from it. It was only about a month before I finally made an account on bodybuilding.com that I figured out what I should do and what I shouldn't do with regards to my training, nutrition, and supplementation. Ever since then, it's been a hell of a ride and I plan on following it for the rest of my life.
It's an incredible feeling watching those plates stack up as you progress. The mirror you train in front of shows you your flaws, the positive aspects of your body, and seeing it just makes you want to train harder and get bigger. I love the feeling I have after leaving with shaky legs after leg day, I love pulling and pushing the hell out of dumbells, barbells, and machines. But mostly, I love seeing my progress when I get home and look in the mirror where I can think to myself, "**** man, I'm a total beast!"