I got started Powerlifting at the age of 9 I actually started lifting when I was 8 years old. 10 years later I am still lifting and loving every minute of my life:>) I took a couple of years off from Powerlifting to get started in the NPC Figure Competition and have done very well. I have been in 7 competitions and became one of the youngest National Level Competitors in the sport competing in the JR USA back in 2008 at 17. Now I am back in the sport I grewup in Powerlifting. I am too small to compete at the National Level in Figure so I have come back to where I started to get my size. I recently became the WABDL Women's 123lb World Champion by winning the WABDL World Championships I also won the Teen Division as well and sadly this will be my last World Title as a Teenager as I will turn 20 in May of 2011. This now makes 15 World Championships in 10 years for me. I can only imagine what the next years will bring!!!
Update: Well here it is August of 2013 and I've won two more World Championships in the Women's Open Class division and still loving every minute of my training. A few years back actually in 2008 I competed at the National Level in the NPC Figure Arena. I was the smallest girl on the stage in my height class at the National Level and vowed not to step back onstage until I felt like I could compete at the National level and win. In 2008 I weighed 105lbs on stage. At the end of August I will step onstage leaner and 22lbs heavier. I am now ready to compete with the big girls. LOL
Barbie Barbell