9-10-16 Pep Talk
"What is the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one she's already had everything she needs within herself. It's the world that convinced her she did not." -Rupi Kaur. It always makes me feel uncomfortable when I hear/see other women compliment others by saying "you're perfect", "I want to look like you", or "you're body goals". First of all: no one is perfect. That person you're complimenting, I can guarantee they've had days where their skin broke out, they couldn't fit into their jeans because of too much ice cream the night before (haha that's me every morning), blah blah blah. They aren't perfect. I'm not perfect. You aren't perfect. Nooooo oneeee is perfect. Your body goal shouldn't be someone else's body. It should be yours - but maybe a version of your body that is healthier, stronger, whatever you want it to be. For too long I compared my body to everyone else's. Just like the majority of women out there, I had a "fitspo" board on Pinterest. I thought it was great motivation but really, all it did was make me dislike my roundness & my curves just because it didn't look like someone else's. *siiiigh... trying to avoid turning this into a rant. FOCUS ASH. FOCUS.* Moral of the story: Do not compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. Do not compare your everyday life to someone else's highlight reel. YOU should be your body goal. YOU should be your motivation... Because if someone else's body is the standard you hold yourself to, you're never going to be satisfied. Even on your worst days, you are ******* incredible. Don't forget that. #EndRant #ThisNowConcludesYourWeeklyPepTalk #NotSureWhyImSoYellow #ButImGonnaJustGoWithIt