I am a woman, human and flawed by design. I am a daughter, questioning, loving, grateful and not nearly close enough, present in your daily lives. I am a sister, to some close and bonded no matter the distance, while others remain distant and unwilling to grow. I am a mother, by choice,ever learning, growing with you, making mistakes but loving you with every breath I take. I am a wife, never perfect, loved with depth and passion, tried yet failed and growing distant took its toll. I am an x, still caring and concerned, not forgiving but putting it to rest. I am a girlfriend, supportive and caring and as always not perfect, but learning and growing , changing and seeing if the distance is worth going.. I am human, I learn as I go and grow with my lessons, I am flawed by design and beautiful for it. I have been many things, worn many hats, found perfection in nothing, reveled in life, weeped in pain and heartache,Achieved much and little. I hope, dream, think, feel.... Despite all I've been through, the pain and suffering, the tears, laughter, good times and joy. I will never stop growing and learning until the day I take my last breathe... I am not perfect but as long as I do not let life's events darken my heart and taint my soul I will forever continue to grow in light. Crystal Woods #poetry #notperfect #evolving #personalgrowth #manyhats #realtalk #human #iam #growth #love #forgiveness #peace #emotionalmaturity