my godson
He sat waiting for his game to start and then he said number 12 like you niño. He said "I remember you said #12 reminds you of family and of great grandma Goya; so I wear it for the same reason." Jayden never met my grandma his great grandma but he knows #12 is more than just a number to me and no lie I got a tear in my eye when he told me why he picked the number. Love my godson. #12 represents this 1+2=3 3 represents March and the#12 represents the 12th and March 12th is the day my grandmother was born she passed in 2005 but when I'm overseas and put the #12 on I'm reminded of the wisdom and sacrifices she gave and made for my mother, aunts and uncles and it reminds me of the sacrifices they made for me and my cousins. So #12 to me is not a number its FAMILY!!