afternoon thought
How to be a class act badass #beyoutifulbeast... 1. You cannot be classy if you think trashy....about yourself, about others, If you talk trash or eat the trash up that others spew at you 2. Be a woman of substance, of value. It's okay to hold yourself in high regard, it's not okay to see yourself above anyone else. The difference between classy and conceded is this: a classy woman values the happiness of others, by seeing others succeed she in turn succeeds herself.... An unclassy woman constantly sucks value from others in her own attempt to self soothe internal insecurities. 3. A classy woman recognizes that although she can't control the circumstances, she can control her reaction to them. She doesn't look to make mountains out of mole hills. She is logical and calm and recognizes the lack of need to further damage relationships simply because emotions are high.... A classy woman moves forward... Always. 4. A classy woman is REAL, she does not desire to fake happiness or falsify her reality with anything other than the beautiful chaos it is....she understands that being imperfect is what makes her 'perfect' to those that matter most. She acknowledges pain, hurt, hardship, insecurity and all emotion by sharing her feelings all the while still staying true to everything she values. She makes mistakes, she falls down....she always gets back up. 5. Finally..... Be true to YOU. Being classy has nothing to do with your financial status... (Think Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Pairs Hilton- pre-rehab days). It's being okay with who you are, taking pride in whatever it is that makes you YOU, being comfortable with your femininity, respecting the health of body both physically and mentally, self-affirming the love for the skin you're in and above all being OK with the woman you have worked so hard to become.... Sincerely, Jill'd and Classy