strong women
To me a 'strong' woman is one who loves the skin she's in, who accepts being perfectly imperfect, who embraces her reflection without ever needing a mirror to see it. She is loyal to her beliefs, realizes that she deserves to have it all and never settles for less. She is caring and kind, patient and inviting but has fire and passion to take a strong stance in what she believes in and always gets back up when the world knocks her down. The hats she wears are worn without approval or acceptance of anybody but themselves. They are not defined by what society dictates as outdated terms of femininity but rather they set their own standards, their own bar for not only themselves but other 'real' woman to exceed. To me being a 'strong' woman means being sure of the person...the woman you are....and expressing yourself unconditionally raw...every.minute. Ps. At first this blew my mind that THIS was me... But Ofcourse this is ME and I worked hard for every ounce, inch and line of it #mymasterpiece #7days #lovingtheskinimin #finishingstrong #teamgfit @teamg_fit #FUSIONfam #momswholift #nofilterneeded