18 hours ago I traded in the Nikes for heels, the braids for curls, the sweats for a dress...I ate completely off plan for meal 5 and 6 eating dessert for supper and supper for dessert...I clanked my wine glass with the rest of the crowd, I stayed up way past my usual bed time and even slept in a little was a night full of moments and memories that I took full part in, No REGRETS!! Was I feeling 110% upon entering the gym today..not exactly. "Stay home, rest, take a day off" some of you may say....but for me there is no rest day from the things in life that are simply part of my life. This is as common to my daily routine as I don't know...let's say BREATHING is to you!!! Even on off days from the gym I am still on plan with MY simply do better, get stronger, push further, and be greater a person than I was yesterday. Chasing 200....TODAY 205 for 3 reps to be exact! Still working on that form but any progress is progress!!! Remember the iron will always be there, it's not going anywhere so be patient as you progress! This has taken me ALOT of leg days to a. Develop the strength and form b. develop the confidence to attempt it. I'd rather see *** to the grass perfection with light weight than a jacked up bar with a 'lightweight' under it doing NOTHiNG but making everyone else in the gym cringe at the accident waiting to happen!! #feelfreetoconstuctivelycorrectplease #yesimightbealittlehungover #livelifelovelife Jill