Happy Flex Friday!
I talked about this a few days ago on my IG story, but I wanted to share here as well for those of you who missed it. Your diet should be based off of your individual stats (height, weight, age, sex, etc.) and your individual goals for it to work out for you in the long run. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix! There is no meal plan or magic ratio of macronutrients that is going to give you your dream body and simply eating in a way that someone else does isn't necessarily going to help you see results. Progressive overload through training (adding more weight, more sets, more reps , taking less rest time, etc.) in addition to adjusting your intake over time is what is going to yield results. Eating less and exercising more is not always the best approach to fat loss. Experimenting over time and observing how different training styles and foods affect your body differently is your best bet! You want to train and eat in a way that is sustainable for you, because every individual is different. Don't be discouraged if you aren't seeing the kind of results you want right away. It takes time. :) #BestSelf #BodybuildingcomSpokesmodelSearch