WHY SHOULD YOU BE DOING FACE PULLS? I attribute my poor shoulder mobility to an under the muscle breast augmentation...I made the mistake of neglecting proper stretching and mobility work after surgery (woopsie) and over time as a result I have experienced a lot of internal rotation in my shoulders as well as some neck pain and chest tightness. Recently I have emphasized more rowing/pulling movements in my training and not only do I have increased range of motion in my shoulders but they are much less irritated during overhead pressing exercises. Your shoulder joint is delicate and can easily be injured so it's important to regularly mobilize it! Face pulls, band pull aparts, shoulder dislocates, in addition to balancing pulling exercises with pressing exercises have madey a huge difference for me- if you plan on getting a breast augmentation (or if you just have poor posture) please keep this in mind because it can help save you lots of pain and discomfort in the long run! Keep those joints healthy & strong!! #FlexFriday #BestSelf