
Comment Repost
Posted by tfit515
1 Repost Sep 16, 2014
I remember those kids had to follow me around as I dropped things on the floor. ha
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Aug 28, 2014
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Aug 19, 2014
Hey ladies! This looks like a fun circuit. Give it a try! I
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Aug 02, 2014
Longest minute ever! Buy, we love it. :b
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Jul 21, 2014
Am I the only one who gets this face when talking about exercises I love? Hahaha, why don't they get it?!
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Jul 20, 2014
Very True! But, today I must run :)
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Posted by tfit515
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2014