
Kris Gethin trains you and trains with you during his 12 week transformation program - burn fat and build muscle to sculpt your ideal physique!
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Posted by sandovaldprax3
0 Reposts Jun 10, 2013
Kris Gethin is your free trainer and training partner. Over 84 complete videos, he'll help you lose fat, build muscle, and get ripped.
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Posted by sandovaldprax3
1 Repost Jun 10, 2013
Real science combined with real training produces unreal results. Try my Shortcut to Size program on for size – and see for yourself!
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Posted by sandovaldprax3
1 Repost Apr 30, 2013
Get ready to burn fat, build muscle, boost strength, and get absolutely shredded in only six weeks. Get ready to achieve the best shape of your life. Get ready for Shortcut to Shred.
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Posted by sandovaldprax3
0 Reposts Apr 30, 2013
The MFT28 Shoulder Shred workout will help you build bolder shoulders with extreme striations. Get ready for war.
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Posted by sandovaldprax3
0 Reposts Mar 27, 2013